With the prices of everything going up and up...here are two programs from the Ontaro Government that may help:
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
PO Box 1540 STN B
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 0C7
Hours of Opperation: Monday to Friday 8am-9pm ET
Email: help@ontarioelectritysupport.ca
Phone: 1-855-831-8151
TTY: 1-800-855-1155
Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program
Station P, PO Box 159
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S7
Email: seniors@accerta.ca
Phone: 1-416-916-0204
Toll-Free: 1-833-207-4435
Toll-Free TTY: 1-800-855-0511
A Great article about a amazing member of our Club, John!
The Thunder Bay District Car Clubs Poker Run was a great success! The was over $8,000 rasied for Camp Quality through pledges and poker hands purchased!! Thanks to ALL the voulnteers, prize donators, organizers and participates for making this year another great year!
On Thursday nights, Patrick Wilson and family ran a Canadian Tire Cruise Night in the parking lot of the Athletic Club on Thursday nights, free for anyone to attend during the summer months. They sell 50/50 draw tickets where 50% of the money made that night goes to the winner, and the other 50% will go into the pot to be donated to charity at the end of the season. The Wilson family chose Camp Quality as the charity that would recive it this year. Thanks to the Wilsons hard work, and dedication the amount they donated this year was $2,211.60!